Sunday, October 7, 2007

My first Senior Citizen Discount

Yesterday morning after eating breakfast in a truck stop in Marion, IL, the girl at the check out asked "are you senior?" I had to ask her again and she said the same thing. I told her I am 54 and she replied "you're senior". She was being nice to me, but it was like getting a bucket of cold water thrown into my face. That's when it hit me. Man.... I'll be 55 in three weeks. I have refused to grow up for my whole life but, now I guess it's time to grow old with grace. God told me about 30 years ago that I would not pastor until I was grey headed. I went and preached two "trial" sermons at a church that was looking for a pastor. The pulpit committee told me that I was too young. And you know what, they were right. I had only been a believer for a few months. I felt that I had it all figured out and I should be "Senior Pastor" of a large congregation. That was the height of arrogance. I would have failed miserably. Thank God I did not get that pastorate. It's funny because now as I get older, the thought of being senior pastor of a church scares me half to death. I was talking with a man at a delivery in Cleveland the other day. I told him that my heart's desire is to pastor in Tennessee. He mentioned that his father-in-law's church needs a pastor. I was immediately gripped with fear just at the thought of going to that church to pastor. It is an awesome responsibility. The bottom line is that without God..... I am an absolute zero. God help me to always remain totally dependent on Your guidance.

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