Monday, July 30, 2007

An interesting thing happened to me yesterday

An interesting thing happened to me yesterday. After church my wife and I went to Walmart. I was still wearing my clerical collar and was amazed at how many people were openly offended by it. I'm not sure whether that stems from the controversy surrounding the recent events in the Catholic Church (of which I am not a member) or just plain Holy Spirit conviction. I am leaning toward the Holy Spirit conviction theory. In 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 the Apostle Paul writes that we are the aroma of Christ everywhere we go. To one we are the aroma of victory and to the others we are the aroma of God's convicting power. This goes back to early Biblical times when as the king of a conquering nation would return from his conquests, the priests would lead the procession back into town burning incense. At the rear of the procession would be the leaders of the defeated nation. As they marched into town, the conquering army and all the inhabitants of the nation would smell the aroma of victory! But.... to the leaders of the country that had been defeated, they smelled to aroma of death. The reason being that as soon as the march was over, they were to be publicly executed.

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