Friday, August 10, 2007

A conversation in a truck stop

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in a truck stop in Missouri and there was a guy sitting across from me that had one arm and one eye missing. I sat there and talked with him as he told me stories about when he was a truck driver. I realized that I was seeing the story that I had written about just the other day. A grounded truck driver that is no longer on the road. It really touched my heart. After he left, I was sitting there praying to myself and asking God, "why does it have to be so different in here than it is in church?" God spoke to my heart and said "I am ready to show My power right here, it's you that I'm waiting for to step out in faith and expect Me to move." It was not in a condemning way but, God in His love was telling me that He is waiting for us to step out and believe that He will move. I really care for those truck drivers out there and I pray that God will help me to be more bold in speaking for HIM!

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